Dorin and Niko of Romania!
Pa'Lante Dance Company from Japan!
This elderly gentleman was super awesome!
A Dance Company by Ana!
Needs absolutely no introduction! Nestor and Rebecca!
The Nes getting the party started as only He can!
Dammit Nestor. You put that song in my head and I still can't get it out!
Thus ends my pathetic photo series. Beside some post-performance shots, no other photos were taken. I was sick and miserable throughout the entire weekend but at least being able to shoot our Havana Estudio guys and some old and new friends gave me some respite.
God bless the lot of you, and God bless Malaysia. Let's make Salsa great again!
Disclaimer: The views published in the above photoblog are the author's and the author's alone. If readers are not agreeable with the above views, well, you can bugger-off. All rights are reserved for the the photos and/or articles itself. This article may be reproduced with permission from the author for private or public usage, or other forms of general mayhem. Any unauthorized usage of the images and/or article contained herein is expressly prohibited. Violators will be violated with kitchen utensils and hot tar, and survivors will be prosecuted with the full force of Malaysian law applicable. Thank you for reading this disclaimer.