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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Leonard & Nicole: Happily Ever After (Set 1)


They say every pictures tells a story. Well, I'm hoping these pictures tell the grand tale of Leonard, one of my closest friends and 'heng dai', and Nicole (or as we affectionately refer to her over the years, PPJ). Well, fair and discerning readers, I invite you follow me on my humble journey in my attempt to document this wonderous, once-in-a-lifetime affair. Sit down, lean back and enjoy the show... 
The journey begins at the landmark and iconic Thean Hou Temple, atop Robson Heights overlooking the Federal Highway. It was there on 18th February 2010, that Leo and PPJ officially registered their union. I was invited to document the event, and document I did.

On a separate note, some of you must be wondering why I took 5 months to post this up. Well the reason for that is because I'm just recently trying to document the events surrounding my life through an electronic medium BESIDES Facebook. If you're not fine with that then you can take it up your beeswax.

This event was attended by the beaming families of both Leo and PPJ, as well as a few of PPJ's close friends, and of course, David Lim and myself. Unfortunately, not all the heng dais' could make it that day but they were definitely there in spirit.


  1. Hihi, Dom sweet of u to have posted this pic for the same for my wedding too la...without charges i mean haha...anyway see u tomorrow!!

  2. @Desmond: You though Nai Hsing was Calvin?

    @Nai Hsing: Just call & i'll be right over.
