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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Havana Estudio January 2016 Social #142: Part 2 of 2

A collection of a few shots I took throughout the night of our 142nd Social at Havana Estudio. The shots aren't the best because I decided to go crazy and shot entirely without a flash in a dark studio party! I literally pushed my camera's ISO to the limit. I also wanted to test the noise control of this beast of mine. I'm pretty happy with what turned out, but what do YOU think? Do let me know!


This is Part 2 of a Two-Part Series! There are no more pictures after this, just in case you are looking for it. If you want to back-track and look at Part I, you lazy buggers can click HERE!

For all you tech-junkies, I was running a Canon 5D Mark III with a 24-70MM f2.8L with a monopod. Yes. A monopod. For photos. Get over it.

Disclaimer: The views published in the above photoblog are the author's and the author's alone. If readers are not agreeable with the above views, well, you can bugger-off. All rights are reserved for the the photos and/or articles itself. This article may be reproduced with permission for the author or private or public usage, or other forms of general mayhem. Any unauthorized usage of the images and/or article contained therein is expressly prohibited. Violators will be violated with kitchen utensils and hot tar, and survivors will be prosecuted with the full force of Malaysian law applicable. Thank you for reading this disclaimer.

Havana Estudio January 2016 Social #142: Part 1 of 2

A collection of a few shots I took throughout the night of our 142nd Social at Havana Estudio. The shots aren't the best because I decided to go crazy and shot entirely without a flash in a dark studio party! I literally pushed my camera's ISO to the limit. I also wanted to test the noise control of this beast of mine. I'm pretty happy with what turned out, but what do YOU think? Do let me know!


This is Part 1 of a Two-Part Series! See you in the next one! For Part II you lazy buggers can click HERE!

For all you tech-junkies, I was running a Canon 5D Mark III with a 24-70MM f2.8L with a monopod. Yes. A monopod. For photos. Get over it.

Disclaimer: The views published in the above photoblog are the author's and the author's alone. If readers are not agreeable with the above views, well, you can bugger-off. All rights are reserved for the the photos and/or articles itself. This article may be reproduced with permission for the author or private or public usage, or other forms of general mayhem. Any unauthorized usage of the images and/or article contained therein is expressly prohibited. Violators will be violated with kitchen utensils and hot tar, and survivors will be prosecuted with the full force of Malaysian law applicable. Thank you for reading this disclaimer.